The foundations of a 15th Century Tower House were found during excavations as part of the redevelopment of the derelict medieval building at the junction of Quay St and Quay Lane, Galway.
Construction work started at No. 25 Quay Street and No.2 - No.5 Quay Lane, Galway City in August 2017 which had been a derelict site for a number of years. Glen Aran Ltd. is developing the site and has planning permission for a retail outlet within the medieval building.
ACP are the Building Conservation Consultants (conservation architects and conservation engineers) on the project. Aegis Archaeology have been excavating the site (under license) for a number of weeks and in the last number of days the foundations of a 15th Century Tower House have been found. It is also possible that the walls are part of Caislean na Gaillimhe.
Further excavations and investigations are underway. The find will not impact on the progress of the project as this type of find was allowed for in the risk assessment undertaken by the design team.