Undertaken in 2009 with funding by the Heritage Council, Phase Two of works on Limerick City Walls consisted of urgent works to the Exchange Lane, Charlotte's Quay Car Park sections and clearance of the Irish Town section to allow surveying, which was not undertaken in the 2008 survey.
Exchange Lane
The stone facing on this part of the wall had been robbed, leaving the rubble core completely visible and modern concrete had also been used in an attempt to stabilise the wall. Test trenching by AEGIS Archaeology determined the depth of the foundation of the original wall and ACP designed a foundation solution. The wall was refaced using aged/weathered limestone supplied by Limerick City Council. The style of facing was based on a section of wall of similar age as no facing stone existed in Exchange Lane. The St. Saviour's wall section was chosen by AEGIS Archaeology and agreed with the National Monuments Section as being the appropriate style. The following works were undertaken:
- Base of wall was excavated and exposed under archaeological supervision
- Removal of vegetation
- Assessment of Council's store of suitable stone and preparation of sample of facing stone
- Repair of exposed core masonry and build up of facing stone using suitable stone
- Removal of modern concrete capping and repair of wall top
- Repair of both gables
- Repair and consolidation of rear of wall
- ACP worked to ensure the minimum amount of disruption to neighbours' paths and parking spaces during the works.
Irish Town
This was a section of the wall located to the rear of a residential area which was overgrown with vegetation and used as a dump site. No survey was undertaken for the May 2008 report because of the unsafe condition of the area. These works will enable a full survey and inspection to be undertaken in 2010. The following works were carried out under the archaeological supervision of AEGIS Archaeology:
- Removal of vegetative overgrowth and treatment of stumps with brush wood killer
- Removal of all debris to a licensed waste disposal facility
- Area left in a clean and tidy condition
Charlotte's Quay Car Park
This portion consisted of two stretches of wall seperated by a gate opening within a car park. Works concentrated on the northern stretch of the section due to limited funding. For most of its length on both faces, the wall's facing stones were absent and core rubble was clearly visible. The following works were undertaken:
- Excavation and exposure of the base of wall under archaeological supervision
- Removal of vegetation on northern face allowing for further works
- Assessment of Council's store of suitable stone and preparation of sample of facing stone
- Facing stone built to 1m above ground level on car park side and both ends benched, forming "wrap-around" support to both gables, and top of masonry finished with sloping mortar to allow water run-off (This method was employed to comply with budgetary constraints)
- Repair of exposed masonry and build up of facing stone as above
- Repair and consolidaton of wall top where facing stone meets top wall
- Stitching of crack at gate opening and tying of gable facing stones using Helifix CS10 System